Indian Country

Bringing Indigenous Back

Commerce - Causes - Community - Culture

****** CULTURE ******
Strengthening Native communities by teaching and sharing our commonalities and differences in indigenous history.

****** COMMUNITY ******
Uniting all our Relatives
→ Connect with my Tribe
→ Create a local STEM group
→ Learn about my ancestry
→ Keep our kids safe

****** COMMERCE ******

Citizen & Indigenous Business.
We are all consumers who need products, services, and connections.

***** CAUSES *****

→ Stop Pipelines
→ Treaty Rights
→ Missing & Murdered
→ Cultural Theft
→ Graves Protection
→ Indian Child Welfare
→ Sports Mascot Abuse

Support indigenous people by using Fan.C to find authentic Native  or mainstream products and services.

→ Dentists
→ Auto Mechanics
→ Basket Weavers
→ Systems Analysts
→ Hoop Dancers
→ Web Designers
→ Photographers
and more…

Indigenous Artist
Karen Lynch Harley

Radio Personality & Activist
Jay “Winter” Nightwolf
Cherokee / Taino / Shoshone

Energy Analyst @ EcoWorks,
CheyanneSymone jewelry
Brittany Turner

The Indigenous community deserves visibility!

Our Team

The team is growing. We continue to adapt to the needs of our Communities.

Sandra Hope

Founder & Executive Officer

Mary Waddell

Co-Founder & Life Skills Coaching

A’lice Myers-Hall

Co-Founder & Cultural Education

Bobby Richardson

All Things Tech

3 Sisters

Community Outreach